Blockade the coast of the South to prevent the export of cotton, tobacco, and other cash crops from the South and to keep them from importing much needed war supplies.The plan was adopted in 1862, involving 4 main parts: The Anaconda Plan was drawn up to end the Civil War in favor of the Union. It was the press that actually renamed Scott’s “boa-constrictor” plan after a different constricting snake, the anaconda. The plan was not very favorable among the nation who wanted war rather than diplomacy. It was his belief that sympathy for secession was not as strong as it appeared and that isolation and pressure would make the “fire-eaters” back down and allow calmer heads to take control. Then, he believed, Union troops should stop, waiting for Southern Union sympathizers to turn on their Confederate governors and compel them to surrender. Scott presented it to President Abraham Lincoln proposing that 60,000 troops move down the Mississippi with gunboats until they had secured the river from Cairo, Ill., to the Gulf, which, in concert with an effective blockade, would seal off the South. Scott’s “boa-constrictor” plan would build a “Blockade” of Southern ports a strong thrust down the Mississippi Valley with a large force, and the establishment of a line of strong Federal positions there would isolate the disorganized Confederate nation “and bring it to terms.” There are several engraving errors (due to fact that the plate had to be engraved in mirror-image form): the dollar sign and the "S" of "South Carolina" are backwards.Union General-in-Chief Winfield Scott brought a military strategic plan to the table for President Abraham Lincoln that would crush the rebellion of Southern states.Eastern Tennessee (separated by a dotted line from the rest of the state) shows "KNOCKSVILLE WHIG" in pugilistic attitude, next to flagpole flying U.S.Kentucky shows soldier with coonskin hat sitting on fence in name of "ARMED NUTRALITY".A cannon in southern Illinois (next to flagpole with U.S. Illinois, Indiana and Ohio show corn, pork and wheat being speeded eastward by railroad.Iowa similarly shows "HAWK-EYE MARKSMEN" advancing."Kanzas" shows "Union Music" (sketch of advancing troops under U.S.The head of the snake is in Missouri, driving "Jackson & Co." into Arkansas.Indian Territory shows Indian smoking pipe in front of teepees, cradleboard hanging from tree in background.Texas has sketch of "COSTLY SHOOTING $1000.00 A HEAD" (a Confederate man firing at fleeing slaves).Louisiana shows idle men lying on barrels saying "Can't ship now" and a lynched "UNION MAN" hanging from gallows.

Mississippi has sketch of "BURNING MASSA OUT".Alabama is complaining "DAM OLD VIRGINIA TOOK OUR CAPITOL" (the Confederate capital was moved from Montgomery to Richmond).Georgia has dilapidated "COTTON FACTORY" building falling apart.South Carolina has "CONTRABANDS" (runaway slaves) fleeing for Tennessee.North Carolina has sketch of a man eating from a barrel labeled "Rosin" with the caption "POOR EATING".West Virginia (separated from Virginia by dotted line) has man flying U.S.

Virginia has beehive with Stars and Bars flag (representing Richmond) and burning railroad bridge.